Currently Enrolling
Participate in our study, clear up your dog’s recurrent episodes of diarrhea, and we’ll cover the vet bills! This study will evaluate a new and rigorously developed probiotic to treat dogs suffering from regular bouts of diarrhea. All dogs participating in the study will receive medical care.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Adult dogs over the age of 1 year.
- Dogs with diarrhea of any duration. – Purina fecal score 4-7.
- No bloody diarrhea in the previous 7 days.
- No systemic antibiotics for 1 week prior to study enrollment.
- No Intestinal parasites or Giardia infection
The Objective of This Study:To evaluate whether a simple probiotic treatment can rebalance your dog’s digestive system and prevent recurrent episodes of diarrhea without the need for additional medications.
What to Expect: The study is expected to last 56 days. We will schedule 3 visits with you and your pet (at no charge) during this period.
Help us develop new treatments and improve quality of life for pets with chronic diarrhea!
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